Resistance Training for Weight Loss
Resistance training is by no means only for professional bodybuilders or weightlifters looking to gain weight, though this is a common exercise misconception that has persisted for some time. Instead it has been proven a safe and effective method for achieving a desirable body composition, as well as promoting an individual's overall health and wellness for men and women of any age. Resistance training has been linked to numerous positive effects including benefits in strength, posture, and flexibility.In addition, it boosts the immune system and improves cardiovascular health. It is frequently overlooked by those seeking to lose weight or reduce body fat, but in actuality, resistance training is far more effective at achieving these goals than it is given credit for, and is even superior to basic aerobic exercise methods.
Resistance Training Explained
The basic structure of resistance training typically consists of a series of repetitions between six and 12, followed by a short period of rest. This operates on very different principles than those of aerobic activity which utilizes a consistent state of an elevated heart rate . The traditional method is to use free weights, or dumbbells, but most modern gyms contain a variety of alternatives. The preset machines are an easier and quicker method of teaching one the basic movement that should be followed and as such is an effective introduction to weight training which can avoid injuries. Another option is to use cables. These can range from simple elastic bands, that can be wrapped around a pole or stepped on while performing the motions, to a complex setup of pulleys and cables that many modern gyms offer.The advantage of cables is the superior range of flexibility they offer over machines, and as such they are ideal for complex whole-body movements and warm-ups. Free weights, on the other hand, offer the least restricted range of motion and the most comprehensive expanse of resistance, but at the same time they can lead to a higher potential for injury if performed incorrectly, so a good tip is to start light and slowly increase weights as the motions become easier. Although an ideal advanced regimen would incorporate all three methods, any option is an effective way to burn fat and improve wellness while avoiding the potential joint injuries associated with long bouts of running or biking.
A Problem with Many Current Weight Loss Programs
The fact that so many individuals insist on the use of low intensity aerobic exercise to achieve their goals represents a flaw in the information available to them, a flaw that must be amended in order to achieve the results one desires. One reason why such cardio is so widely advocated is the ease with which it can be performed. It is often true of human nature that one is more likely to succeed at a task that requires minimal effort when compared to one that is difficult. For this reason, low intensity aerobics are advanced as a way to begin exercising, an initiation of sorts. The dilemma is that few people are aware of the moment when it is no longer effective and continue to exercise the same way with few results. This often leads to a lack of motivation to persist and thus constitutes a failure in the exercise regimen.Ideally, one must continually increase the difficulty of their activity in order to keep progressing. This is due to the body's ability to adapt to the pressures placed on it and respond accordingly. Thus, as time progresses, one's physical activity must increase just to continue to elicit the same response it once did. Eventually the time one must spend engaged in such activity becomes almost counterproductive and as few calories will be burnt by the activity in question as by doing nothing. This is especially true when considering the stress that is placed on the joints in contact, potentially leading to pain in the knees and back.
There is an easier solution; the calories burned - and thus the success of an exercise session - are based on the total energy expenditure. This is calculated, not just by the duration of the session but the intensity as well. It is for precisely this reason that the results of resistance training far outweigh those of conventional steady-state aerobic exercise.