How to Get Rid of Belly Fat

7:12 AM Weight Loss Trainer 0 Comments

belly fat burn
Too much belly fat, or any excess weight is not a good thing. Medical science has been preaching the risks and consequences of carrying a whole bunch of extra weight. Losing weight is not one of the easiest things to do, as a matter of fact, weight loss can be one of the most daunting challenges this life has to offer.

Just because something is difficult is no reason to feel overwhelmed and defeated. Just the opposite should be true. Some folks, when faced with a seemingly insurmountable obstacle, are able to get on top of the situation and find a way over, under, around, or through that very obstacle. Losing weight is a seemingly insurmountable obstacle for some folks. but it doesn't need to be so.

Understanding Weight Loss Basics

Losing weight is sort of like a simple math equation. There are many parts to an equation, but the parts must appear in exactly the precise order for that equation to appear correct. Some folks seem to have part of the weight loss equation correct, while other parts are still missing. Successful weight loss is a simple equation that basically calls for burning more calories than consumed.

Calories consumed < Calories burned = Weight loss

That's a simple equation to understand. The next step after understanding this equation is setting some realistic weight loss goals and making a plan to reach those goals. And after that, the next thing is to be surrounded by supporting friends, family, and even doctors if necessary. Finally, make a plan for how to handle situations when the goals seem impossible to reach. All of these make up the parts of a successful equation for weight loss.

Time to Assess the Risks of Being Overweight

According to the National Institutes of Health, proper assessment of being overweight is made up of three main parts. The first is body mass index, or BMI. BMI is simply a means to measure body weight relative to height and waist circumference to measure the amount of abdominal fat, which is related the risk for developing obesity-associated diseases. Use the BMI calculator to estimate total body fat. The ideal BMI falls in the range of 18.5 to 24.9. Anything over 25.0 is considered overweight.

Waist circumference is the second assessment tool in determining if a person is overweight. Using a simple measuring tape to measure the distance around the waistline area of the abdomen. If the measurement is more than 35 inches for women, or 40 inches for men, then there may be a risk of developing heart disease or other obesity-related diseases.

Other Risk Factors Associated with Excess Weight

Once the BMI is determined, there are additional risk factors to be considered like high blood pressure, or hypertension. Those who are overweight need to consider the risks associated with excess weight such as as high levels of the bad LDL cholesterol, low levels of the HDL good cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood sugar, a family history of heart disease, a sedentary lifestyle, and smoking.

Lowering the Risk of Being Overweight

Getting rid of that fat belly is just the beginning of a total weight loss plan. Those with a BMI of 25 to 25.9 and who have two or more of the aforementioned risk factors, weight loss is critical for future health. Just taking off 10 percent of one's current weight will help lower the risk of developing some of the diseases that come along with being overweight.

It may be time to start thinking seriously about losing that belly fat and make an appointment to speak with a doctor. The doctor can more accurately evaluate the BMI, waist measurement, and other risk factors for heart disease, diabetes, or premature death. Make a decision to start losing weight today. Always remember why this journey was begun and do whatever it takes to remain on course toward a healthier, happier, and thinner future.

As with any radical changes in diet or exercise, it may be beneficial to consult a health care professional, nutritionist, or doctor before starting any diet, exercise, or weight loss plan. This article is for informational purposes only. The information provided herein is of a general nature and should not be substituted as advice from a qualified professional.