Can I Get Rid of Cellulite Thighs?

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cellulite thighs

Cellulite is nothing more than fat under the skin which tends to look like cottage cheese primarily on the thighs and butt. There is no other substance feared and hated more by women. The desire to get rid of it is so strong that women will go to great financial and risk-taking lengths to be free of it. Billions are spent on products and treatment methods promising to make it disappear. Some of these products sound logical and others are down-right silly, but none of these get rid of cellulite. That's the sad truth.

Since there is so much money to be made from products promising to get rid of cellulite, Americans will continue to be bombarded by advertisements pushing ineffective products and treatments. It's up to the consumer to educate herself and not be vulnerable to such scams. The good news, however, is that by becoming an educated consumer there will no longer be wasted time trying things that don't work. The time will be spent using effective methods of controlling the appearance of cellulite.

If Cellulite is Just Fat Why Does It Look Lumpy in Some Places and Not in Others?

Areas of the body where more fat tends to be deposited and where skin is thinner are where the fat will take on the appearance of cottage cheese. That is why it tends to appear mainly on thighs, butt, and stomach.

There are several factors that influence whether you will get cellulite or not. They are:
  • Gender-More women than men get cellulite.
  • Genetics-It tends to run in families.
  • Fat-The more fat on the body overall, the more likely cellulite will show.
  • Skin Thickness-The thinner the skin the more cellulite will show. Women and certain ethnic groups, in general, have thinner skin than others and are more prone to showing cellulite.
  • Age-The older you get the more likely that cellulite will appear. This has to do with changes in the thickness of the skin as we age.

What are Some Ineffective Products and Treatments for Cellulite?

The numbers of products that are sold as cellulite treatments are numerous but here are a few:
  • Massage-the argument is that cellulite is caused by poor circulation and massage will improve circulation.
  • Topical creams-meant to "dissolve" cellulite.
  • Vitamins, minerals and herbs
  • Body wraps
  • Spa treatments

Some products may give a temporary appearance of improvement due to plumping of the skin rather than an actual decrease in cellulite.

Are Liposuction or SmartLipo the answers to Cellulite?

Neither liposuction nor Smartlipo is approved by the FDA for getting rid of cellulite. Despite any advertising or anecdotal claims to the contrary, there is no good science demonstrating that these expensive procedures are effective with getting rid of cellulite. To date, most doctors (including plastic surgeons) still recommend getting fit as the most effective way to control cellulite.

What are the Most Effective Ways to Control Cellulite?

Get fit. Gradually reduce overall fat, increase muscle mass through strength training, drink plenty of water, and eat healthily. It's an inexpensive method and it doesn't waste your time. There's no magical cure for cellulite but by doing what works, you'll also achieve other health and appearance benefits.

The Psychological Approach to Dealing with Cellulite

  • Accept that cellulite is just fat.
  • Think about the factors such as age, gender, and heredity that may be involved in your problem with cellulite.
  • Learn how to best lose overall fat and tone muscles so that you can reduce cellulite in a direct way.
  • When you've done all you can do sensibly, move on with life. Keep working on getting fit and have fun. Don't let cellulite get in your way.

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