Bob Greene's Best Life Diet

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bob greene's best life diet

The Best Life Diet (Simon and Schuster, 2006) is a sound weight loss program based on the concept of lifestyle changes. The author, Bob Greene, is also the author of the Total Body Makeover and Get with the Program. Greene is best known for his association with Oprah Winfrey and how he helped her reach her weight loss goals. You know when Oprah endorses a diet; it has to be a sensible program. She even wrote a forward for The Best Life Diet.

Invest in Yourself to Lose Weight

Greene makes it clear that investing in yourself is a key component to making necessary lifestyle changes to lose weight. He asks that you pay close attention to your hunger level, gain control over your emotional eating and increase your daily exercise. The Best Life Diet describes sensible lifestyle changes that bring long term weight loss success.

Three Phases of The Best Life Diet

Greene breaks The Best Life Diet down into three distinct phases. The first phase helps you gain appetite control while changing your eating habits and exercising more. The second phase includes dietary changes and helps you learn your reasons for emotional eating.

The final phase of the diet plan is the transition into a healthy lifestyle. You will follow this program for optimal health and weight for the rest of your life. In this stage you will continually swap your preferred food choices for healthier ones.

The Best Life Diet Recipes

The recipes in The Best Life Diet are anything but boring diet foods. The recipes are interesting and tasty. Some examples are:
  • Chicken salad with pomegranate, oranges and walnuts
  • Whole wheat pasta with broccoli & peanut sauce
  • Roasted fennel with parmesan
  • Rosemary roasted sweet potatoes
  • Mocha cooler
  • Vanilla caramel Truffle Latte

The Best Life Diet Program

"Losing weight can change your life for the better in ways that far exceed being happier with your appearance," according to Greene (10). The Best Life Diet program is built on small steps and small success. Greene also describes three principles that will guide you in your weight loss journey: responsibility, commitment and inner strength.

Use these principles, along with portion control, being more proactive in your life, learning to measure your hunger and doing some self-discovery to lose weight and maintain that weight loss for the rest of your life. The Best Life Diet will not only help you lose weight, but it will improve your overall quality of life. Are you ready to commit to yourself and create a healthier life?

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