Love Your Body

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love your body

Think of weight loss as journey: a journey on which you will learn to love your body. Once you begin this journey, you will change the person you are from the inside out.

On the Inside
Losing weight and keeping it off requires more than diet and exercise. These things may work for a while, but you will have little chance of long-term success if you don’t analyze your thinking and love your body during its metamorphosis.

You have to push yourself physically, emotionally, socially and psychologically. Put your fears to rest and reach for what you want out of life.

No more standing on the sidelines.

Food Effects How You Feel
Consistently choose the right foods to lose weight and feel good about yourself. Eating junk food can make you feel sluggish and zap your energy. The more sugary foods you consume; the more you crave them. Take control over your food choices for a true feeling of power.

The Outer Limits
You don’t need to reach your final goal weight to improve your health and feel good about yourself. You can feel motivated and energized by making exercise a habit, eating smart and accepting new challenges.

By getting regular exercise and pushing yourself a little harder with each passing week, you will be stronger, leaner and healthier.

Enjoy the Journey
Accept the journey for what it is and use the time to improve yourself inside and out. Start by breaking your long-term goals into smaller, more manageable goals. Then reward yourself with non-food items for your progress.

Then start taking risks. Try new things and break out of your comfort zone. These are the things that will define your new personality and help you form a positive opinion of yourself. The more you have to be proud of, the more you will like who you see in the mirror.

Accept that some parts are a work in progress. The excitement will come when you start to fit into smaller clothes and your fitness ability increases. You will start seeing a different person in the mirror and the thin, fit you will emerge. Look for the changes. Keep challenging yourself and love your body as your progress towards your goals, knowing that you are doing what it takes to make it healthier.

Things You Can Do To Boost Your Self-Esteem:
  • Set and accomplish mini goals.
  • Add weight resistance training to your workouts.
  • Add to your social circle.
  • Take a leadership role.
  • Take interest in a new hobby.
  • Discover your passion.
  • Try a new sport/enroll in an aerobics class.
  • Focus on what you do like about yourself.
  • Volunteer your time for a worthy cause.

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